Monday, November 11, 2013

Today was the day I chose a gym. And I actually went inside. And it was awesome! It was a stinky, sweaty nirvana. I swear I heard angels singing when I saw the weight room and my long lost friend, the elliptical. 

There's a definite difference in how I feel after today's workout. Increasing dumbbells from a measly 9 (or is it 6?) lbs to 15-20 made me really tired. Like I wasn't sure if I was going to make it tired. And now my arms feel like Gumby's arms. Which is a good sign. Grow, baby muscles, grow!

I would talk about how I'm eating more to grow muscles but it's really that simple. I'm eating more. I feel like the hungriest kid in town. 

Yesterday I decided I'd get some new clothes that would make me look good when I squat and stuff. So I bought them and left them at the counter and didn't realize it until the store closed because I am apparently easily distracted. I figured it'd be a good idea to get what I paid for today or at least prove that I wasn't losing my mind. After checking the security cameras to confirm that I am indeed, an idiot, they gave me a refund. Moral of the story: I shouldn't be allowed outside because my money will try to run away from me when I'm not looking. 

Oh well, tomorrow is a new day. They better get used to seeing this peanut butter covered face at the gym.

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