Sunday, November 10, 2013

I made it through my first week of muscle conditioning. Yay! Then I realized that my 6 (9?) lb weights are entirely too light. Then I realized that I must be frailest kid in town to get tired from a set of lateral raises with 6/9 lb weights.

If I want to see results, I need to pull out the big guns...I have to hit the gym.

The gym: no task seems more arduous. Finding a gym is like a picking a college. They each have their own cultures, you go there with a goal in mind, and then you agree to give them all your money. The pros of going to the gym are that you obviously have an endless supply of equipment, you can train even if its raining or cold, and it's filled with people watching you so you can't punk out. Oh, and you're paying to be there. Hello, accountability.

The only thing that scares me is that people will be watching me. That is a real fear. Going with a buddy is fun because they spot you and make sure you don't look like an idiot. If your form is off at least you're doing it wrong together. I will be going alone and I have to get over it. It's just like the first day of school.
On the up side, I feel like I'm looking forward to working out again. I would like to watch my muscles grow and get stronger and be able to do a pull-up. I may just avoid a little cancer, a stroke or two, diabetes and possibly osteoporosis. I might even have the energy of my teenage self again. That's pretty cool I think.

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