Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Packing up and taking off for Vegas soon! I'm excited. I'm not excited to see how difficult it's going to be to keep up with fitness and nutrition in Sin City. The thought of it makes my head numb.

Thankfully I'll have a few swolemates along for the ride to keep me on track. Here goes nothing!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Ok! It's been over 30 days and I am addicted to exercise. I somehow find myself in the gym most days of the week and I like it. I like how toned I'm getting and how I sweat pretty much every day and how I don't get that sore anymore (is that normal?) and how strong I'm getting. I try something new each time and it's pretty terrifying and I do it anyway and I don't die. I'm not looking forward to waking up before 5am tomorrow so I can squeeze in a workout before work. Nobody said decreasing your own body fat to see your abs was easy. Especially when your coworkers are amazing bakers.

Anyway my fitness prize du jour will be new training sneakers because the hole-in-the-front-toe look is not cute. Goodbye old Nikes, you did well, but I'm pulling you out of the game. Hopefully for something pink.